How to Find Jobs in Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait | Best Recruitment Office Lucknow, Mumbai

Job Search: 10 Smarter Ways to Find a Job in Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, Oman

Whether you are a new graduate or have been in the job market for several years, the job search process remains a difficult task for everyone. But have you heard the saying: “Don’t try harder, think smarter!”?

There is no denying it, job searching is a job in itself, and unfortunately it does not get easier with time…On the contrary, it gets more difficult as you get older.

If you feel like you are going in a vicious circle without reaching what you want, perhaps it is time to take a step back and reconsider the strategy you are following in your job search.

This will undoubtedly help you regain your self-confidence and contribute to getting the job opportunity you aspire to.

10 Ways to Help You Find a Job

In today’s article, we have collected for you 10 tips and ways to help you search for a job more intelligently and with less effort, ways that you may not have thought of before, or did not apply well. Read until the end to find out!
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1- Networking Online

The first way that can help you in your job search is to start building your presence on professional social networks such as LinkedIn. It may feel like it’s still early if you’re still a college student, but you’ll look great in front of employers when they see your enthusiasm for learning more about the job market even before entering it.

Follow these tips when networking online from India, Lucknow, Delhi, Mumbai, Patna for Gulf countries:

Join discussion groups about the industries and work fields that interest you. Start building your professional social network little by little to stay up to date with the latest job offers.

Follow companies and organizations that interest you, and there’s no harm in leaving some appropriate comments on their posts.

Remember! It’s not appropriate to add anyone on LinkedIn unless you know them well. So beware of falling into the trap of adding everyone you meet, in the hope of building a huge network, as the effect will be the opposite and will not serve you.

2- Talk to Your Friends & Family

One of the ways to search for a job is through employee recommendations, as it is one of the most popular methods used by employers in hiring. This is because companies usually prefer to hire people who have been praised by their employees whom they trust.

You can benefit from this by asking your friends and family members who work in the fields you prefer. This may lead to you being informed of new job opportunities in GCC countries before they are announced and the competition for them intensifies. In such cases, you will have a greater chance of getting the job, especially since you were suggested as a result of recommendations from an employee in the same company.

Note: Recommendations are completely different from “connections”, so do not confuse them. The first means that you will be suggested by one of the employees in the company and you will go through all the application stages from sending a CV, conducting a job interview, and taking any tests or exams to determine your efficiency. The second means that you get the job regardless of your competence or abilities, and without going through any of the usual recruitment procedures.

3- Go Beyond The Job Listings

Sometimes, sticking to job advertisements (job listings) may not be the best way to move forward in your career.

Instead, focusing on specific companies (rather than vacancies in different places) may be to your advantage. This is because when you submit your application, you will be interested in that particular company, and this will show in your CV and cover letter, and even during the job interview.

Keep your eyes open for job openings, of course, but look at them in a different way! How?!

When you find that a certain company has posted several vacancies at the same time, but none of them match your experience or skills, do not hesitate to send your CV and cover letter anyway (market yourself!).

If more than one job opening is posted at the same time, it means that the company is expanding, so this is the perfect time to market yourself and show off your skills, as you may be considered next time when a job opening is posted that suits you.

4- Expand Your Search (and your horizons as well)

Think smart

The job market is evolving at a rapid pace, and in an unprecedented way, to the point that there are some jobs that you have never heard of. They may not have even existed when you joined your university major a few years ago. This is due to the technological development that our world is witnessing today.
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Have you heard of jobs like content marketing? Backend developer? Or growth hacking?

They are all modern jobs, which may be considered part of the traditional jobs that you know, or a branch of them, but they undoubtedly require you to give them some of your time.

Once you go beyond the traditional job names, the competition will decrease, and you will find new, more exciting fields that you can try and start in.

Expand your job search, and expand your horizons as well, do not hesitate to try new jobs if you have the skills to do them, and do not limit yourself to traditional jobs, or even local vacancies.

The job market is no longer local, it has turned into a global market! You can work anywhere and from anywhere, and freelancing online is witnessing a great demand from people around the world.

5- Be Confident & Elegant at The Same Time

The way you apply for jobs plays a big role in shaping the general image of you as an employee by employers.

For example, someone who takes the initiative and sends an official email to one of the department heads in a certain company asking for an appointment to learn more about the company will leave a more positive impression than someone who simply sends their CV and a cover letter copied from somewhere else!

But, before taking this step, make sure to do good research about the company. After all, you don’t want to end up in a session with the head of a department, during which you realize that you know nothing about the company or what it does!

Also, taking this step does not mean storming different companies asking for a job, all you have to do is request a meeting with the HR manager, during which you can tell him how much you like this institution, and present your services in a professional manner that makes you present in the memory of the hiring authority when making the decision to include new people in the work team.

6- Get a Job at Your University

Application for a job after graduation

This advice is specifically for university students who have not yet graduated. There are many job opportunities available on campus such as:

  • Working in restaurants and cafes within the university.
  • Organizing university events.
  • Administrative jobs and teaching assistants.
  • Conducting orientation tours for new students.
  • In addition to the additional income these jobs provide, they ensure that the university gets to know you better. Thus, they provide you with more positive recommendations when you need them for your first job after graduation.

Always try to apply for university jobs early, as these vacancies are usually filled quickly. If you can’t get a job opportunity on campus, try to be active in other university activities such as volunteering.

7- Use Recruitment Agencies in Lucknow, Mumbai, Delhi, Patna, Kolkata, Chennai

Finding a job opportunity through Gulf recruitment agencies may be a good option, especially if the idea of ​​marketing yourself is stressful and difficult for you. The agency will do this task for you.

Recruitment agencies for Gulf jobs actively and diligently search for job opportunities for you, which may ease the burden on you and help you get a job in a relatively short time.

8- Try Practical Training

This idea is especially good if you are trying to try new fields of work, because if you want to work in a job that is completely different from what you are used to, it may be better to have the opportunity to try this field first before you judge it and make your fateful decision to commit to it forever!

Practical training opportunities are the best way to test and try out a job, as these opportunities can be paid or unpaid depending on the type of company and its policies.

Although paid practical training opportunities may not guarantee you a good income, they remain a great opportunity to learn about new fields of work and try them out before committing to the job, and often end up with a permanent job opportunity.

9- Job Fairs

Career fairs are not only suitable for fresh graduates, they can be a good place for experienced people as well, if they know how to market themselves there.

You can meet senior hiring managers in companies, and learn about the different names of companies and institutions that you can apply to.

Take advantage of this opportunity to network and learn about the application and employment procedures at different companies.

Don’t forget to also record the names of the hiring managers you meet, write down their email addresses, and then send a follow-up email after the career fair. (A simple thank-you note showing your interest and reminding them of yourself will be enough.)

10- Be Your Own Boss

Many students and fresh graduates feel discouraged about starting their own business for fear of risk and failure.

Although building your own business to be your own boss can be difficult, if you have a great idea and great motivation, this step may be the smartest decision you will ever make in your entire life.

There are many companies today that support young entrepreneurs and help them start and succeed in their own projects.

If you discover after a year of working for yourself that this is not for you, you will most likely have learned something new, and you will not regret that you at least tried, and owning a private project (even if it does not succeed) will be a great addition to your CV.

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This was a set of different tips and innovative methods that will help you find your dream job. You can, of course, continue using traditional methods such as using job sites or visiting different companies and submitting your CV to the hiring manager there or other search methods.

Whatever method you use to search for a job, always make sure that you stand out from the crowd and market yourself intelligently to ensure that you stick in the minds of hiring managers, thus increasing your chances of moving to the next stage in the process.
If you are looking for reputed overseas recruitment agencies in Lucknow, Kerala, Pune, Delhi or Hyderabad, then please reach Ramza HR known for Gulf jobs recruitment. Kindly send your resume on the number given on contact us page.

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